Saturday, March 21, 2015

Russell Brand: Appropriate for Children??

My Uncle let his 11 year old daughter watch a Russel Brand Stand up Act:

It was the Messiah Complex act that was filmed 2 years ago.  I counted no less than 30 instances where this act had no business being shown to an 11 year old.  Here are my findings of how inappropriate this was to show her: I live tweeted this to my sister and have uploaded my findings here: Someone please explain to me how this appropriate for an 11 year old??????????????

wanking into the yogurt
he said virgin: then swiped his crotch
that seems like an awful lot of money to give to akid he didn't fuck
about an hour ago
i mostly use my ipad for looking at pornography
and then he flicked his hand as if to fling away the sperm
5 minute tirade on drug addicts
including one sweeping snorting coke motion
im gonna fuck you in the mind with the cock of news...full of humping gestures
working conditions were so bad in china that people were jumping out of the windows to kill themselves..
im not buying food from a man whose mouth looks like a horizontal vagina
ronald mcdonald clown cock
im lovin it with ejaculating gestures abounding
have you ever been in a situtation where one person is sucking your cock and theres another person back there putting their tongue into your bottom
there was a bald patch in my pubes
so i tried to wank it: vigourous masturbating
he called hitler a cunt
in the bible it says: don't be a fucking poof
no mention of gaynness in the anus
my balls banging on his balls: thrusting motion in the butt
an entire sequence devoted to spewing cum from a gay lovers ass
there are 400 million galaxies in our solar system: how can u know that and care if someone puts his cock in someone elses asshole
phallic energy: mucho thrusting
ronald mcdonald: sloppy blowjob
taht's what i wo rship: divine female sexual energy
i say that so theres no way im not getting laid after the show tonight
female orgasm followed with loud shieks
male orgasm followed by snoring
he uses his microphone to fuck his "clitoris"
masturbation sells chocolate
that's why they're so angry: they are wanking all the time
i worship at the alter of the vagina and get it all in your mouth also
a full sequence on female licking a mans ass: full on tongue gestures

everyone woman kind enough to sleep with me tonight: you will come first