Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Kids today....

Kids today....

At the risk of sounding like an old elderly grandmother, I don't get teens today.  More and more I hear these ridiculous stories of bratty, spoiled, self-righteous, entitled teens doing horrible and unspeakable things that never in my day would we ever have thought of.

I'm 31 years old, 32 in June.  I was born in 1982 which means I'm on the cusp of Gen X and Gen Y. However, I identify more with Gen X.  I remember getting a computer and the newness of the internet.  I remember when you needed a quarter to call your mom to pick you up from the movies.  I'm not what you'd call a "Millennial" even though I did come of age during the early 2000's.

I grew up middle class. Not poor, not wealthy by any means.  I had all the things I wanted and in my opinion didn't ask for much else.  It was always assumed I'd go to college someday and I did.  But going came with a price, that I'm still paying for today 10 years later.  Student loans.  My parents couldn't afford to send me to school, so I did what everyone else did, got a student loan and lived at home to save some money.

Now my parents wanted me to go to college and I did too.  Never in my wildest dreams would I feel entitled to a college education and sue my parents to get that.  Even when I lived in their house from 18 to 22, I followed their rules.  I kept good grades. I kept a part time job.  I paid for my own car, phone, gas, and car insurance.  It would never occur to me that my parents should just give me the freedom I desired just for being their daughter.

I really hope the Rachel Canning's of the world get what's coming to them and learn the real world don't work like that honey.  Good luck mending that fence with your parents too, it would be broken forever in my opinion.

Then there's the story of the hundreds of teens who broke into a private residence, absolutely trashed/destroyed the house and then their parents suing the owner for defaming their children on the internet.
This one is more on the parents, but come on!  What is the world coming to when people sue for defamation when a man's house has been ruined!!??  What does this teach our kids when instead the ass whooping you deserve, you get your dad calling up his lawyer saying "I'll sue, I'll sue"!

I just don't get where we are going as a society when we allow these things to happen.  What makes these kids feel so entitled?  I have 2 kids myself and I'm gonna do my damnest to never let them feel like the world owes them anything.  You have to work for what you want in this life.  And yeah I'll be there to help you along the way, unless you try to sue me; Then its on!!!