Monday, October 29, 2012

Olivia Newton John to barrel down on US as Hurricane Sandy

Ok.  I can't help it.  Maybe there just aren't enough people  named Sandy in my world.  I know of no friends or family named Sandy and can't seem to think of anyone famous named Sandy either.

So when I see this:

I immediately picture:

Then, Sandy says "Tell me about it stud..."  And then John Travolta gets chills that are multiplying and he's losing control cause the power she's supplying is electrifying!  Seems to be a good metaphor for a hurricane. Bravo Hurricane naming people.  Since this is the new perfect storm, they may have created the perfect name!

Bring it on Hurricane Grease!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Penny and Leonard...So Over it!

I love the Big Bang Theory.  However, later seasons have been steadily declining.  Sheldon is really the only funny component now, and even he is hit or miss.

But, my main complaint with this show is the main couple, Penny and Leonard.  They are the on again/off again couple a la Ross and Rachel.  In the beginning of the show, Penny was the quirky neighbor who knew nothing of science, (or life) wanted to be an actress, and worked at the Cheescake Factory.  She meets the guys and throughout season one becomes a member of their little unit becoming a formidable opponent to Sheldon's nuances.

She finally realizes her feeling for Leonard late in the game at the end of season 2 and by the beginning of season 3 they finally become a couple.  And things are good.  Until, Will Wheaton makes her realize she can't say I love you when Leonard first says it to her.  And then they are off again.

All the while, Leonard gets a new girlfriend, whom I couldn't stand either for different reasons. Priya tries to change Leonard, since apparently this geeky, bespectacled, jacket wearing guy isn't good enough for her.  At this point, I rooted for Penny and Leonard to get back together.  At least Penny didn't try to change Leonard and liked him for who he is.

However, when they do get back together late last year, this time things were different.  Penny not only wears the pants, she wears the coat, the tie, the jockstrap.  Everything manly is on her person.  Leonard is really a door mat this time and sadly doesn't seem to care so long as he has Penny back.  He even tried proposing to her, which was met with screaming and "What the hell were you thinking?" I'll admit, you can't ask that question during sex, come on Leonard!

This last episode has Penny attempting to care about what Leonard does for a living.  And she does seem to care a bit, so much so that they have sex.  A lot.  The bulk of their story this episode is that Penny likes having sciency sex with Leonard.  And of course, Leonard is going to take it.  He doesn't seem to care that she's clearly overcompensating for her lack of feelings towards him.  She wouldn't even do a couples Halloween costume with him....the ultimate no no for couples on Halloween (my poor husband knows this)

I just want Penny to break up with Leonard for good and move on for real this time.  I'd like Penny to grow more as a person.  So far, she's never made anything as an actress and doesn't seem to be moving up the Cheesecake Factory ladder.  Hell, we don't even know her last name!  She needs character development away from Leonard and he needs to not be a doormat with his next serious girlfriend.  That assistant last week took an interest.  I'd like to see that played out.

In summary, Penny do the right thing and GTFO!

Monday, October 1, 2012

We are Never Never Never going to care about your Ex-Boyfriends. A Taylor Swift Diatribe

Anyone else sick of Taylor Swift and her dumb songs? For one, her songs aren't even remotely country sounding anymore so for her to be played on a country station is just asinine.

Second,  why do all of her songs have to be about her being dumped.  There's now been an "I've been dumped" song about Joe Jonas, Jake Gyllenhal, John Mayer, and Taylor Lautner, Her little schtick, oohh I'm so sad, he dumped me, "I'm going to get him back in ma song" is just really getting old.

Is she supposed to speak for scorned women everywhere?  Cause, I'm pretty sure Adele's got that covered, and way better.

Why can't she just date a normal non famous guy???? What normal person is going to dump her?  Umm, no way would he ever.  Instead she continues to date guys who are out of her reach, right now being a freaking Kennedy!!!  Good luck with that honey, they are pretty much America's version of royalty.

And I have to see her one more time making that face when she wins another award for being the best darn country darlin', I'm just gonna puke!

And the red lipstick makes her look like she went through mommy's purse and said I wanna be pretty too! Actually most of her wardrobe does too.  She pretty much always looks like a 3 year old in a sparkly tutu twirling around the stage like a ballerina.

In short, I'm sick of her act.  Grow up or go home!