Friday, September 28, 2012

Dear Shonda Rhimes, YOU SUCK!!! A Grey's Anatomy Rant

I dropped my son off at preschool this morning, came home to enjoy a blissfully quiet morning to myself and catch up on my TV viewing.  Glee now conflicts with Grey's Anatomy and I had to choose between them.  Clearly, I chose wrong since I have spent my morning dwelling on what I just saw.

Ok.  Grey's Anatomy Season 9 season premier was not going to be easy for anybody.  The last episode from Season 8 had most of our main characters sitting among plane debris and Lexie's corpse.  So, I wasn't expecting sunshine and flowers.  But jeez!  It seems every single character in the show after the plane crash has been changed for the worse. And some didn't make it at all after the crash, RIP Mark Sloane!!!

We'll start with "Grey" herself.  Meredith has now been nicknamed "Medusa" by her new interns.  She is snappy, cold and distant to her students and not much better with anybody else.  She was not there for Derek when he needed her the most, instead choosing to fly off and see Christina. Meredith seems like she has turned into her mother in this episode...which is about as far from the Meredith from the pilot as you can get.  Dark and twisty indeed.

Derek spent the episode trying to convince himself that he could handle a surgery and his hand is now working again, only to realize he jumped the gun.  And then had to tell his best friend goodbye and watch as the numbers on the monitor slowly counted down.

Sloan's other best friend, Callie does not seem to be coping well either.  She spends most of the episode crying in closets and being pitied by other doctors. We're meant to think that Arizona didn't survive the crash either, only to find out in the closing of the show, that Arizona did survive, she is just left crippled.  Apparently Callie had to cut off her leg.  And Arizona seems like she is blaming Callie for this.  They couldn't find another Ortho surgeon who could do this procedure??

Christina and Alex "move on" with their lives.  Alex is the same old Alex screwing every intern he can get and ready to start his new job at John Hopkins.  Christina is living in Minnesota and working unhappily with the new doctors there (one of them being Mr. Feeny). Christina is obviously unhappy in her new environment without her "person" or her husband (or does she even care about Owen) it's not really focused on yet. Both,  Alex and Christina I'm sure will end up back at Seattle Grace, it's like TV science.  Christina just has one more stress to add to her PTSD (plane fear)

And then, well there's Mark.  Mark Sloan.  McSteamy.  The man who lost the love of his life in the season finale last year is now in a coma for 40 days with no signs of life.  Today is the day they will pull the plug per his wishes not to be a vegetable.  There are clips of Mark during different points in his life showing how he was close to everyone in the hospital.  Best man at Derek's first wedding, Baby Daddy to Callie and Arizona's baby, a wedding guest at their wedding, mentor to Jackson.  He was beloved by all.  A fan favorite for sure.  Someone that has been on this show since season 2! Meaning he has given 7 years of his life to be on this hit show.  Why in the world did he have to die to leave the show???

Ok, here's the juicy part.  This show should not be on anymore.  People have been on this show for years and when it comes time they would like to do something else, their characters just die.  They all but did as much with Izzie.  They killed George.

Shonda Rhimes has put these characters in a ridiculous number of life and death situations that most people would not be able to go on with their lives, let alone save any day after day.  The list is staggering: bomb explosion, ferry boat crash (almost drowning),  hospital shooting, inability to have a baby, and now plane crash.  They've all come back stronger, I guess.  But it just seems this time is different. Every character seems changed.

Why did this have to happen??  The natural end of the show should have been season 8.  All of the original interns (Meredtih, Alex and Christina) plus Jackson and April all pass their boards and move on to become attendants in some other hospital. Yeah, a happy ending.  Mark and Lexie live happily ever after. Mer and Der have their baby and are happy.  Callie and Arizona have their baby and Mark and are happy.  Christina moves on from Owen (he cheated, he gets no sympathy from me) and is happy, eventually.  Alex screws more interns in his new hospital, happy ending.

Because this show is in it's ninth season, Shonda needed a shock value season finale to guarantee interest from ABC that she's got more in her.  But at what cost??  I don't look forward to seeing a sour puss on every single characters face for another season.  And what happens if Meredith and McDreamy want off this show next year as I heard it will be their last.  Are they going to die too??  Have fun calling it _____Anatomy.  I certainly won't be watching as I did not watch Scrubs season 9 when it tried to focus on someone other than JD.

In summary, this season opener changed the show Grey's Anatomy for the worse and lost 3 main characters and only added a bunch of whiny faced interns all of whom I wanted to punch in the face (seriously, Owen should have punched that girl).  I've spent nearly a decade watching these docs...but if the show keeps circling the drain, I'm out.  Here that Shonda???